Have We Lost Our Halloween Crafting Skills?

Got a Halloween party? Going out trick or treating? Where do you start when it comes to choosing the perfect outfit? Back in the day we started by exploring the house for inspiration. Old clothes, wigs, rubber gloves, make up, bin bags, an old mop and bucket. Then with the help of Mum and Dad’s crafting skills (My Dad was very good at this) Voila! You have your costume!

Oh! I almost forgot! Mum would have to buy a new eyeliner after ever Halloween, as we’d all be walking round with blacked out eyes, cat whiskers or Kiss make up.

Halloween Costume craft

I remember feeling well chuffed when we actually went out and bought a witch’s hat, those glow in the dark witches fingers and my sister had vampire teeth to match our homemade outfits.

If you wanted a good realistic Halloween outfit (which wasn’t as popular back then), I remember that they would be quite expensive, and you would have to go to your local party suppliers or joke shop.

These days we are spoilt for choice, with the vast array of costumes which are available on the high street and especially in our supermarkets at super cheap prices. But it’s not just costumes, there’s a huge amount of Halloween decorations, props and accessories out there as well. It seems that with each and every year Halloween becomes more and more popular and the amount of Halloween merchandise is forever increasing. You can even buy fake pumpkins which have already been cut out!

Hallowwen ghost and pumpkin lanterns

This is all well and good but are we losing our ability to craft? To use our imaginations and create something. The skills we develop when we make something like sewing a costume, carving a pumpkin, painting a mask or making spooky Halloween treats. The satisfaction and achievement we feel knowing that we’ve made something ourselves has been lost, when we purchase a costume or any other item.

Is this health and safety gone crazy? (We don’t want our children sewing, cooking or carving etc) Do people feel that they don’t have the time or ability to craft? Due to all the merchandise which is widely available, do people have less confidence to make their own outfits as shop bought ones are better? This I definitely disagree with, as homemade costumes can be very scary!

Over the past week I have held a couple of Halloween themed children’s craft classes which both children and parents have really enjoyed. I like to think that I give people the confidence to craft with their children both in class and at home, so if you would like to have a go at crafting at home check out my website for different ideas; www.tinycrafters.co.uk or check out my Halloween lanterns.